Sunday, 12 August 2007

How to use Google to access blocked websites

Google is more than just a great search engine. Using Google Translate, you can bypass your (company, university, school) firewall or proxy server and access blocked websites.
Of course this is based on the premise that Google is not being blocked by your organization. I highly doubt that any admin would be so brave as to deny you access to Google!

On to business, here how to access blocked websites using Google:

- Open your web browser
- Type or copy the following into your browsers address bar:|en&

- Be sure to replace with the address of the site you want to access.
Example usage: If Facebook is being blocked by my organization I would type:|en&

- You will now be able to freely browse your previously 'blocked' website.

How this works is fairly simple. Using the above address, you tell Google to 'translate' a website of your choice from English to English (hence the /translate?langpair=en|en)

Google then fetches the website on your behalf, quickly 'translates' it for you and then passes it back to your web browser. This tricks your organization's proxy/firewall server as the website you requested effectively originates from Google (a trusted website) and not from a blocked website (Facebook in our above example)

Suggested Reading
- List of default router passwords
- How to use Google to search for torrents
- How to optimize Windows XP (The Complete Guide) - Part 1
- How to optimize Windows XP (The Complete Guide) - Part 2
- How to clean DVD and CD discs

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1 Responses to “How to use Google to access blocked websites”

Anonymous said...
12 August 2007 at 15:41

Most companies now block the translator (If they use a filtering system such as BESS or N2H2 Filtering, Net-Nanni (sp), SAM, 86 tech. and so on) If they manage their own then it is possible that they wont but again if they use a filtering service such as above they can and will block it most of the time.

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