Wednesday, 06 February 2013

How to password protect folders in Windows

This article will teach you how to password protect folders in Windows 98, XP, 2000, Me, Vista, 7, 8

A feature has been lacking for ages is the ability to password protect a folder.
We've been using third-party to do this for years. Among the best we've ever used is a freeware utility called Folder Protector.

It's tiny and easy-to-use.

To use follow these steps:

- Copy the lockdir.exe file into a folder you want to protect.

- Launch the lockdir.exe file and set a password (see below) and click Protect

When someone opens your locked folder, they will be nothing but the lockdir.exe file.

Double click this file, supply your password and you can access all your data!

The program uses industry standard 256-bit BLOWFISH Encryption is used to encrypt your files.

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